MS Paint Professional Keyboard Shortcut Keys | The Education Pedia

Here is a List of All MS Paint Professional Keyboard Shortcut Keys

MS Paint Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + A
Select entire canvas
Ctrl + C
Copy selected area
Ctrl + X
Cut selected area
Ctrl + V
Paste clipboard data
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action
Ctrl + Y
Redo action
Ctrl + E
Shows image properties
Ctrl + G
Toggles grid lines
Ctrl + P
Print the picture
Ctrl + R
Show or hide the ruler
Ctrl + W
Open the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl + N
Create a new picture
Ctrl + O
Open a picture
Ctrl + S
Save changes to a picture
Ctrl + Page Up
Zoom in
Ctrl + Page Down
Zoom out
Ctrl + B
Bold selected text
Ctrl + I
Make selected text italics
Ctrl + U
Underline selected text
Ctrl + Num Pad +
Scale up and tool or shape
Ctrl + Num Pad –
Scale down tool or shape

Opens the File menu
Shows key help/ Switch to Home tab
Switch to View tab
Close the window
Minimizes MS Paint interface
Equivalent to right-clicking on the title bar

Right Arrow
Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel
Left Arrow
Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel
Down Arrow
Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel
Up Arrow
Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel

Cancel a selection
Delete a selection
Print Screen
Well, we all know what that does

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